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The hardest part of overcoming any obstacle.

Carrying on with the theme of Analysis Paralysis, as we dissect the process of achieving anything, it is often the first speed bump on the track that derails most trains. Ask anyone who ever reinvented themselves, either on a treadmill, from behind the pen on a divorce document, or even from the flat of their back in a hospital, there are only 2 hard days that will require all of your energy, focus and grit. Today and tomorrow.

"...there are only 2 hard days that will require all of your energy, focus and grit. Today and tomorrow."

You don't need to worry about any of the other days, like the day after tomorrow... and especially not yesterday. They are beyond your control, so rather focus on what you can.

Get amped. Get stoked. Get fired up and just go! Do what needs to be done. You don't need to have all the answers right now, just the first one. In the words of Woody Allen, the man who proved that looks are not the secret to success ;-), "80% of success is just showing up." The rest will sort itself out.

"80% of success is just showing up." Woody Allen.

This Reebok advert is still a massive hit in my keynote presentations. The hardest part of reaching any goal... Watch this.

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